Daisypath Christmas tickers

Daisypath Christmas tickers

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Anyone else looking forward to the fall and winter?

 Pardon me if this post is all over the place.

I'm going to start off with a few pictures from the last week of summer leave.

We visited Hugli's Blueberry Ranch  The kids had such a great time. Atticus was really into picking and filling his bucket. The twins were laying on the ground underneath the blueberry bushes eating the ripe blueberries haha!
It's a good thing they don't weigh the kids on the way in and on the way out. We would have owed them a fortune!
They have a big wagon on a tractor that takes you out into the field. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring the camera out there. so here are a few pictures of the kids play area.

They had two giant sandboxes with really nice Tonka trucks. Atticus was in heaven!

Hadley and Daddy showing off our blueberries.

We received a nice little package from my mom (Grandma) for the  kids. This is Hadley and Avah-Lynn modelling their new PJ's from Grandma.

Okay, back to the point of this post...

I'm watching our calendar slowly start to fill  up for the fall and winter. I'm getting really excited.

My favorite part of the year starts in June when the summer and the hot weather begins. And just goes from there. Now that the hot weather is disappearing and fall is around the corner we have a ton of birthdays coming up. And many things to look forward to.

Atticus is starting Preschool on September 13th. It's going to be so great for him to get out and socialize. We visited the Preschool back in June and Atticus just loved it. The teacher there is wonderful as far as I can tell. She made a great first impression on me anyway. We have a one on one with the teacher next week. I know he will be happy there.

The twins and I are going to do Kindermusik on Tuesday mornings while Atticus is at preschool. I'm looking forward to having some (sort of) one on one time with my girls. This is kind of a shot in the dark as I have no idea what Kindermusik is like. Nothing can beat Little Wonders with Miss Natalie though... Oh how I miss Little Wonders classes...

Anyway, I will also be registering Atticus for swimming lessons. Now that he is three, he can do them all by himself! Gosh, he is such a big boy now.

We will probably head over to the playgroup at the community centre across the street about once a week just to meet more people and get out of the house too.

We are going to be crazy busy pretty soon but I just can't wait. I'm definitely the kind of person who loves to be busy!

We also have visitors in September to look forward to. And Thanksgiving, Halloween and the pumpkin patch as well as My birthday, Chad's birthday and Christmas. And a new little person joining our family in January!

Pregnancy-wise, I'm feeling pretty good lately besides being exhausted all the time. That comes with being a mom though...
Our ultrasound is in 6 days and I can't wait!  We will be finding out the gender and it will be a secret to everyone else. Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Hugli's great! Their blueberries are great! I bet your girls will love Kindermusik - I loved doing that with Miss Gabby!
